Friday, November 12, 2010

Nikon Camera Lens Mug

It's my newest Camera Lens, the Nikon AF-S 24-70mm f/2.8 G ED! naaaaaaaat. How I wish. :))

That is actually a (real) Nikon lens' replica which you can use for DRINKING! Yes, it's a Camera Lens mug that looks just like the real thing. It's all over Facebook, where I personally knew of it. Good thing an Atenean graduate sells this stuff and does meet-ups inside the campus. Good product, perfect meeting place-- I couldn't say no to getting one for myself!

The mug is a(n almost) carbon copy of this lens:

We all know how much cash you gonna have to spend to buy the real SLR lens, and for amateurs like me who just amuses himself with taking photos, I don't really think buying a camera component as sophisticated as this would be practical and economic. So just to have some disillusionment that I "own" one of these lenses, I decided to buy a much cheaper, deceiving Camera Lens... MUG!

(photo not taken by me)

When I saw this photo on one of my contacts' profile, the kid in me suddenly spewed out. These really look like the real ones, except that you can put water in them, wash them, and throw them in the air without hesitation!!

Prices range from 1200-1700 Pesos per mug, and I've seen some sellers advertising the mugs at a much expensive price. Although it cost me more, I opted to buy the Nikon mug zoomable lens due to personal biases. There are un-zoomable ones, but just to have a bit of animation on my mug, I wanted the one which you can actually do what you do with a real lens-- zoom it!

Mug box

This is the un-zoomed state of the mug

and this is the zoomed one

 Bottom part

Top/Lid of mug

These are some details, on the mug, that resemble really closely the ones on the true lens. 

Another plus side of the mug is the inner steel layer. For a moment, I imagined it having a plastic inner layer. It's scratch-proof and can hold hot beverages.

The mug also comes with a very handy black Nikon mug pouch with a detachable strap.

It's an early Christmas gift for myself, and it just couldn't wait. I'm glad I bought one because it matches my camera perfectly! And although it's pricey, at least I get to experience an exciting disenchantment of having an expensive camera lens. :))

It's a perfect device to trick others that it's a real lens, and turn it into a perfect surprise once you sip your coffee or any drink from it. Just make sure you don't get fooled by your own scheme. You might wash or pour your morning coffee in your real SLR lens, instead of the SLR lens.... mug. :D

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Lady Gaga-Paramore mash up: Just Crush Crush Crush

This morning, my blockmate, Myles Cheang (a.k.a. Noel Cheang Heng Quan), lent me his iPod Touch and let me hear this song which I thought I was familiar with. Just hearing the first few beats of the song I could identify it already. But when the singing started, I was amazed that it is a mash up. And to my delight, it is a mash up of two of my favorite artists, Paramore and Lady Gaga. It's such a nice mix of Alternative Rock and Pop music-- a tune you would want to head bang, dance and sing along with all at the same time.

I was figuring out how I'd be able to post the song if ever I ask my blockmate to send me the audio file, but fortunately, I found an already posted copy of the song on There are a handful versions of the mash up-- maybe amateur attempts of different people-- but this one I found the most perfect mix of both songs. This has been on Youtube since May, but it's my first time a while ago to listen to the song. Props to the maker of this mash up because I like it. :> Hope everyone enjoys this version as well.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Movie Mania: The Shawshank Redemption

In the mood for the probably last movie review for this year, I decided to write one, hours before my sembreak officially ends. I have watched tons and tons of movies for the past three weeks. Having to write decent movie reviews with overlapping plots and twists in memory is, I guess, inexecutable. I simply don't give a dumm. :D

One of the movies I could not forget is The Shawshank Redemption. From the novella written by Stephen King. Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption, it's one of the few that I have downloaded earlier during the sembreak, but have delayed over and over again because I don't find old movies as fancy as the new ones. With modern brain and eyes that a lot of us have, we don't really get as amused with the idea of watching a 1994 Prison cell-set film as with watching CGI-filled and twisted films that, nowadays, even amateur film directors can produce.

Somewhat, I don't regret the suspensions of my viewing of this film not because it is not worth the watch, but because if I had watched it at an earlier day, my standards for movies would be far above the current set i have (which, I admit, is still fuzzy. I don't set criteria for movies. As long as it satisfies me, then I could probably state that it's a good one), and if that had happened, I wouldn't enjoy the other films I enjoyed before finally deciding to view this. Before watching this movie, I read numerous movie reviews, and was not able to read any unfavorable ones. Still, my appetite for the film wasn't stimulated. But having no other movies to watch, then I decided to turn to this download (oops).

I wasn't even a bit disinterested even for just a minute of the whole movie.

Special Effects: uncheck
CGI: uncheck
Convincing script: check
Character engagement: double check
Plot: triple check

The Shawshank Redemption does not use any bedazzlement to involve the viewers in its story. It has the simplest storyline. Important revelations are thrown out to the audience at a perfect timing. Not just because of that USUAL TWIST of events, but because of your involvement with the character AND the use of the script. Saying that the script is good is a definite understatement. "Everyone in here is innocent." Five words that will bring you to a bit of confusion of belief within the story.

Maybe the disinteresting part of the movie is the fact that it is set inside a prison. We've seen usual conflicts in these confinements: fistfights, prisoner-guard dispute, the escape schemes, and sexual harassment, perhaps? Yes, most of these are in the movie plus many other odd encounters in the prison cell, but why and how they are presented, that's what makes it different. But don't get me wrong. Those cliches aren't the only conflicts you will encounter. In fact, those are just the minor details. The major ones, you have to discover them yourself.

The prison cell idea also gives an impression of manic acting, the one that you expect how bullies act. You imagine rambles here and there, countless blood spills and bruises in numerous scenes. But believe it or not, those stereotypes are the antitheses of the protagonists' features and the movie's asset. Robbins' and Freeman's acting is superb, having the subtleness of a character inside the controversial Shawshank Prison. How they let me invest on their characters' emotions is so effective that I just felt what they felt. It seemed so effortless. Their acting. And come the time of the revelation of the murder, I just didn't care if he was the true murderer or not. How they are inside the prison cell was all that mattered. Being "institutionalized" is what they are best at.

It isn't just a simple movie with a simple story. It's an inspiration. How good it is at being simplistic is also how good it is at inspiring. The movie talks about HOPE, its detriments and its welfare. It's a feel good movie without depending on toilet humor, or humor per se. It's a movie that you just want to keep going and going. Well, of course you want it to end, but how the movie really ends just leaves you yearning for more. Like you want to further discover the lives of the characters. It lasts for more than two hours, and I fell asleep in most movies that last only for an hour and a half. This one, not even one blink I would like to happen, but of course, that's stupid. It's not the excitement or the adventure that keeps you hooked. It's the purity of the acting, the goodness and kindness in a room filled with convicts, their extraordinary deeds, and the adventure within oneself that glue your eyes on the screen.

The Shawshank Redemption is a film that transcends from the screen to the goodness of reality. It's an inspiration to many and should not be left unseen not just because many love it, but most importantly because it is crafted to be loved.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Eminem and Love the way you lie part 2

While I was on Youtube's homepage, one of the featured videos is Love the Way You Lie Part 2. "Another part 2?" was my first thought. The last hit song I've listened to that had it's own part 2 is Empire State of Mind. That, and Love the Way You Lie are songs that even for how many times, start til end, I'll listen to it whenever I hear it on the radio.

Just like Empire State of Mind, there's always the strength and "umpf" when Eminem's on the hit, and more of emotions and "aww" factor when it's just plain ballad. What just got me struck with LTWYL part 2 is when Eminem started his tongue-twisting rap in the middle of the song, unlike that of ESOM2 where Jay-z totally had no part on the song.

Love the Way You Lie Part 2

UNFORTUNATELY, before I am even able to publish this post, youtube has already removed the video. :|

What really got this song playing in my head the moment I heard it wasn't really Rihanna's voice. Eminem's is the reason. And the lyrics of this song just got me struck. I always thought that these "part 2" trend is just a scheme of artists to make more money, but maybe, it's the artistic drive that you just want to make different versions of a masterpiece you've made, reproducing close versions of something you really like. Seems a lot of emotions invested in it even if it's already quite a remake of a song everyone clamored about the moment it was released. Seems so wrong and seems so right that you just go along with the emotion of the song.

And when I heard Eminem, I felt so nostalgic that I searched for his old songs. This white rapper was part of my childhood because my sister, one of my biggest influences, always had these CASSETTE TAPES of Eminem that she would always listen to. And of course, as a trying hard kiddo, I always attempted to memorize his raps, read the lyrics on the back of the cassette tape cover (it just feels odd whenever I say it. I have never heard of the phrase CASSETTE TAPES for a very long time. even the term CD PLAYER, what more CASSETTE TAPE? and let's not go to PLAKA. :))) and every time his song plays on the radio or on MTV, I would sing along, word per word, no matter how much I struggled.

The Real Slim Shady

As far as I can remember, this is the first Eminem song I heard. One of my childhood songs, and unlike Love the Way You Lie, this song is so much more playful and animated. Maybe during those times, only a few artists had the guts to play it like this in the industry, but since Eminem had his long break, he had to make a strong come back, straying away from this type of song which a lot of artists nowadays can pull off.

While this song and some other else are merely for merriment, Eminem is also known-- even during the early years of his career-- for his heart-stabbing songs that evoke profound realistic stories which are far from esoteric but instead affective to many. Just like many artists, he puts his own story and experience and put it into something unique. Ballads and love songs are same old tune. But for him, rapping his life story is his own way to do it.

Cleanin' Out My Closet

Lose Yourself

Sing for the Moment


Very reminiscent, ain't it? :)

Now another song of Eminem was familiarized to me by my English prof last year. He used this for our research paper exercise. I couldn't remember why, but he let us quote some of the lyrics from this song. How Eminem rapped it isn't his best one, but the lyrics of the song is such a familiar picture, just like that of the movies Precious and The Blind Side. Eminem, although white, had been exposed to the ghetto life. And this song gives us a glimpse of its corrupt side.

Bonnie and Clyde

After more than a decade, Eminem still proves to us that he's not just one of those  black rappers who curse without meaning. And in fact, I know no white rappers other than him. Some love him, some hate him. But hey, having been able to be on top of other artists even after a long break just proves how true of an artist he is. If my dad had his own Beatles fever, I guess our generation would have an Eminem fever, once we're as old as them moms and pops. :>

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Movie Mania: Frailty, Session 9

Ta-da! Here's my first entry for my Movie Mania. And now y'all don't criticize me. I'm the one critiquing here. :)) Well, I decided to do this Movie Review to render a bit of my help to those movie goers out there who would in case want to watch movies that I have already watched.

And since this is new to me, I decided to choose two of the three most recent movies I watched. I chose these films because Halloween had just passed, and being into horror and gore films, I wanted to fulfill my Halloween celebration by watching these. :D

After reading an article about must-watch Horror films from the Guidon, Ateneo's official school paper, I decided to get a copy of two of the suggested films that I found enthralling. Session 9 was said to be the Critic's Choice according to the article. And Frailty, well, the synopsis got my attention.

Watch Frailty Trailer Here.

I asked for a horror film, I chose the wrong Movie. Frailty definitely isn't one of those bloody, gory, brief-pissing movies that I thought it is, BUT IT'S DEFINITELY MORE THAN WHAT I HOPED FOR.

Frailty is about a Man confessing to the NBI his knowledge about the "God's Hands" serial killer. The story unravels through a flashback foretold by Fenton Meiks, claiming that he is the brother of the said murderer. The idea of "God's Hands" started when the father of two sons claims that God showed Himself in one of his dream visions, telling him He has to fulfill a mission of 'destroying' the demons on this earth. Set in a small town probably in Texas-- assumed from their accent-- the story revolves around the family of three which God has "appointed" to slay demons disguised as people. They are given three weapons: a pipe, an Axe and a pair of gloves. The conflict then heightens as the older of the two siblings starts to doubt this whole "mission" from God, killing innocent lives his father randomly brings to their house.

This is one of the movies that near meaninglessness when revealed before even watching the whole film. What appeals to me the most is how the protagonist, Fenton (the story is told from his perspective), involves the audience to his own menace. It's one of those Changeling moments where you sympathize with the character's disability to resolve his/her own conflicts. Also, another vital element in the movie is the Point-of-view of the characters. When you watch the movie, you will realize why it is important.

The movie also possesses a very sensitive issue of Faith. It's the kind of movie that may keep you wondering in circles about how strong your faith is, and how far you will go to prove it. Now now, I don't want any spoiler here, but this movie should be on your list.

For those who couldn't stand lengthy dialogues and a slow-paced movie, you might want to extend your patience. If you're looking for an action-filled movie, maybe this won't be your type of film. There are interesting murder scenes every now and then, but maybe not the horror/thriller/homicide movies you expect. Though it may seem dragging at times, THERE IS A DISTINCT DEPTH IN THIS MOVIE, and one has to watch the whole thing, from the slow establishment of the characters, the "psychotic schizo" father, the "doubting and humane" older brother, and the "obedient innocent" little brother, up until the very last line of the movie. I know I am quite embellishing the movie, but it deserves the praise that it could get-- from me at least.

A must watch? Definitely a yes for me.

Watch Session 9 Trailer Here

After watching El Orfanato for the second time (because the first time I did, only an eye was peeping through my fingers, and my thumb was plugged in my ear), I then watched Session 9. I was pumped up because the article labeled it as a Critic's Choice. But after watching it, I was left staring on the screen, neurons all worked out, not in a good way.

Session 9 is a movie about a group of Asbestos repairmen tasked to renovate a very huge abandoned mental hospital. Why Session 9? It relates to the one-on-one sessions of Mary Hobbes, one of the severe patients in the hospital. She had multiple personality syndrome, and in her were Billy, the Princess, and Simon who the others keep talking about but won't come out and speak up until the 9th session. All these were tape-recorded and were discovered by one of the repairmen. She also had False Memory Syndrome, a mental disorder that will occur again within the repairmen (ok, i kind of spoiled it already).

The humongous hospital almost impossible to be fully discovered builds up the thrill. Adding to that whole hospital mystery is the unmoved wheel chair along a long hallway. And as one member of the crew reveals the case stories of some of the most severe patients in the hospital, the whole tension builds up.

That was what the whole movie was all about-- building up the tension. But how it resolves it is probably its weakest point. Maybe an hour is enough to wrap up the two hours it used. Other than the fact that it used a new video technology (probably everyone will notice that the picture of the film is more vivid than the usual mainstream movies), I don't know how else to appreciate it. Well, different shots (close-up, panning, dolly, etc.) were utilized in an artistic manner. It seemed like an indie film where the tiniest details and motifs (gory ones) are important, but to which they are important to is something still ambiguous.

It came to the point of me waiting for a startling scene-- something you don't ask for if you're watching Asian horror films-- because I found the movie too dragging. More than an hour had already lapsed, and I still don't have a grasp of the movie's conflict.

What I personally disliked about the movie is that the resolution is insubstantial if all things are to be considered. It had the TWIST in the story (hooray), something that everyone waits for, but it was a painful twist. The movie dwelled too much in the details that are, for me, superfluous. It dilly-dallied up to the point that I lost interest of the movie. Come the important details especially in the middle and ending part, my focus had already expired. Had it been laid out in a more concise film, then it could've worked for me.

The film neither scared the hell out of me nor did it disturb and haunt me in my sleep. Critics compare it to Blair Witch Project which I have not yet seen, because of that indubitableness or "realistic" aspect of the plot. But I wasn't even close to peeing in my pants, something Horror Film directors wouldn't want their audience saying after watching their films.

Maybe Session 9 is too artistic for my taste or maybe not, but as a normal "human" audience, it's something that is not worth my hype. Just remember that good or not, a movie experience is still an additional ounce of knowledge. Go see it yourself. Your taste for movies might be different from mine. :>

Monday, November 1, 2010



Hahaha. During Halloweens, it has been a village tradition for Ayala Alabang Village to allow outsiders inside the village for the annual trick-or-treat. Last year was a bum because of typhoon Basyang (? as far as i can remember). There was no electricity around the whole vicinity and drizzle occurred every now and then. This year, not even traffic can hinder the joy brought by candies, chocs and crazy costumes by villagers and non-villagers.

Trick-or-treating wasn't actually on my schedule. I was supposed to stay at home, babysit my dog while my yayas, cousin and both my older siblings do their own plans for the day. But since some of em decided to stay home, i took the opportunity to go out and share the fun with everybody else! But hoarding candies was not my objective. My friend, Aldrin Perez, gave me an idea to take pictures of costumed kids and adults that stand out within the crowd.

Unfortunately, due to the fact that my bike did not have a stand (let alone the crowd + cars and golf carts everywhere), I found it hard to take photos of people busy with collecting candies. :\ But I found interesting houses that had been decorated profoundly. :))

That multiplication table really caught my attention. :)) Who thought of using Math as a Halloween decor?! well math's hell of a subject, but this is a pretty clever math joke, aint it? :))

You just gotta love this decoration! Aside from it being cute, the use of the movie title for pun (pun intended :))) is also quite meaningful. :)

 The crowd was fun, too. Everyone was greeting each other, and people were taking photos here and there.


Of course, classic horror decors won't be out of sight. They were everywhere. I only roamed around the main roads and was not able to go deep within the hidden streets, but they say there are better decorations hidden behind the huge houses on the main roads.

And for my favorite house, a fun house! This house located at the country club drive, just right after the left turn from madrigal ave. It has has these annual colorful decorations for a while already, except i think the previous halloween. But two years ago, the house had a wide screen and a projector in front and Monsters, Inc. was playing. It's an attention grabber because these life-size characters are really colorful as opposed to the usual Halloween decors.

Mafia Men  inside a red sports car roaming around like terrorists with big guns inside an exclusive village. :)) now that's Horror.

Another amusing scene inside the village were different modes of transportation furnished specifically for the occasion. Just like this golf cart with black and orange balloons. I was not able to take a photo of the other cart with a toy tiger on its roof. Some used it simply to roam around the huge vicinity, and some utilized their autos as a part of their costumes.

And speaking of caaaaaars...

The roads were relatively clear during the afternoon. Around 4pm, people were still preparing but a few were already having their jack-o-lanterns filled with candies

But as the afternoon progressed, traffic on roads especially Madrigal ave. worsened. Double parking was everywhere. Despite the wide roads, an asset of the village, road clogging was unstoppable. Some people didn't mind the traffic so as not to spoil the fun. Security guards were everywhere especially in many intersections. Many then turned to their motorcycles, golf carts and feet to make sure they get as much candies as they can.

I had a hard time taking photos of good costumes because one, there were too many people barging in for candies, two, my bike was a hindrance, and three, I was too shy to ask them to pose for a photo so I had to take stolen shots of them. :(

Princesses were everywhere. Ranging from cuddly kids to ______ adults (you fill in the blank), every house that I went to had at least two princesses with their loot bags. 

And who said only women can become a princess of their own being?! :)) No, this remains a mystery to me. Whether this hoola piña colada here is a he or a she (please help me decide). But hey, he/she was the queen of the night. He/She was quite a buzz mainly because He/She grabbed everyone's attention with her smoile!

This one here was the real horror deal. That Jason costume was worn by an 11-year old girl probably around four feet tall with a six-foot costume. Her friends wore a manananggal costume, a girl in kimono, and some soldiers there.

And of course, my favorite costume of the night.... SUPERMAN!!! :)) no, seriously, that is SnowWhite's Prince. I wore the same costume for my Lit14 presentation of the poem Jabberwocky, where I had to be Alice in Wonderland, male version. Since everytime I speed up, my cape would start waving, and people who I come across with would shout at me saying "oh, si superman nakabisikleta!" and some, worse, would say, "si batman oh lumilipad!" FROM WHAT ANGLE DOES IT LOOK LIKE BATMAN?! but hey, I couldn't help but smile back at them or wave at them whenever they call my attention.

And as for my loved Yayas, they hoarded quite a handful candies. They weren't in their costumes, mainly because there was no need for any. :)) But even though my candy count reached zero, surely, my fun count surpassed my expected count. It wasn't really how much candies I collected that night. It was more of sharing the fun with people you only meet for one day, and yet they look at you with awe. My costume was the real head turner, and I am proud to say that I roamed around the whole village (from cuenca-madrigal-dlsz-acacia-cuenca) wearing that fancy Prince get-up! :D I hope everyone enjoyed their Halloween parties. 'Til next year! HOHOHO!