Sunday, September 12, 2010

Pep Talk: Wanted

It's been almost three months since the first semester of SY 10-11 started, and i think my brain isn't the only body part that is mushy on my body. To all the readers: this post will be full of rants and byproducts of my malfunctioning brain.

Well, tomorrow is my 3rd and still not the last long test in accounting. It was a long weekend, committed myself to studying, but the usual ending... I DID NOT STUDY (and yes, i decided to instead make a blog). Also, today was the much awaited UAAP cheerdance competition. I am already turning to a frustrated dancer because I've always given up dance for my studies. And I guess it would take me more than 2 years to realize its worth.. or maybe 2 more years to realize i made the wrong decision. SEE HOW FRUSTRATED I AM??? :(( one of the biggest reasons why i've been acting like this is

ACCOUNTING. just seeing this word makes me stupefied as if stunned by Harry Potter's spell. Accounting really isn't that hard.... NOT. well, yes. It's not as hard as what they say. What makes it hard is the time it demands for to understand each concept thrown at you in such a short time. who thought three months could last like FOREVER? I've always told them to make accounting a 6-unit course. Why? So that 6 hours a week could be allotted for it. And yes, I'd be more willing to spend 6 school hours for accounting than SPENDING ALL NIGHT TRYING TO FIGURE OUT SOME OF THE CONCEPTS ON YOUR OWN. And needless to say, Accounting + all the other subjects = Mushy brain.

I've already thought of having a tutor for this subject. But i'm proud to say that i've survived the first 2 exams without the help of any tutor and with flying colors... okay the latter statement is a hoax. :| but yes, having a tutor is like the "in" thing right now especially with accounting. Having a tutor is like taking up a 3-course unit of accounting in ateneo, and taking another 3-course of acc outside admu. :\ accounting is fascinating, yes?

I am one of the lucky ones because my acc10 prof IS THE BEST. and yes, i mean THE BEST prof. maybe not as fierce and feisty as Dr. Venus Ibarra, but there are some profs who are smart as is, but could not teach their knowledge to other people. And luckily, my professor really teaches WELLLLL.

Accounting is really a pain in the a*s. It consumes you slowly and will really put you on the verge of throwing your very thick book because of too much information. It's more of the PATIENCE that is challenged than the knowledge capacity. AMDG ika nga.. Ang Matulog, Di Gagraduate.


statistics is a fun subject for me. It's algebra and a bit of calculus mixed with PURE ANALYSIS in the number world. Buuuuuut. The final paper is such a big luggage that we've been carrying since the first days of classes. AND IT'S A GROUP PAPER. It's really really hard to get everyone on their feet and work WITHOUT HAVING TO BE TOLD SO. But I guess everyone's extra busy so we really can't focus on it. :\ Leadership & Strategy, on the other hand, is a 2-unit course that acts like it's a 3-unit course. well reality check LS, you're not. What's good about my LS subject is our very adorable teacher. He looks like the sweet grandpa of every child in the world. HE LOOKS LIKE SANTA CLAUS! :)) plus, my groupmates are very hardworking. No need to be given the go signal. they'll grab the workload as long as they can. :)

ECONOMICS. no comment.... okay, I have. :)) it's not really a work-loaded subject. But I dont know if I'm learning from the subject and from my Prof. I've had my most humiliating moment in our Eco102 class ever since i entered college. My prof was rollcalling for the attendance, and i am in the Dreamland with the unicorns and the butterflies and accounting (yes, it follows me up to my sleep). He had called my name 3 times before my seatmates finally woke me up! EFF YOU SEATMATES. wharra friends. and when i finally woke up, almost the whole class of 80 students was looking at me and my prof went "SANTIAGO. SLEEPING." what can i do? i went right back to sleep after it. :))

SCI10!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yes, it is a frustrating subject. first of all, i've taken up ES10 during 1st year, and this is like an encore of ES10. and daeyumn. I am really really attached to the environment, but this subject's making me fed up with Environmental awareness! PLUSSSSSSSSS. my professor has been giving us DIFFICULT EXAMS. Long coverages, multiple choices with 5 choices, modified true or false, and those questions that make you wrong just because you answer TRUE when the book says "good alternative" and the word on the T or F says "perfect alternative." I guess it's demanding us to memorize the book by heart.... :\

PSYCHOLOGY now this subject is the most fun subject this sem. Good prof, good subject, and a stress reliever after Eco102 class. Now don't think Psy101's an easy course. It will bombard you with scientific terms and literally, it's a subject of INFORMATION OVERLOAD. but the papers required in the course are mostly self-reflections. You will enjoy writing your self-profiles, personality tests and dream analyses. Maybe what makes it really fun is that you get to know yourself better and the block. Because of this, I actually thought of having psych as another major. but yknow, i'm just dreaming. Another heavy baggage is the Video that we have to pass at the end of the semester. It may seem enjoyable and easy, but along with the other requirements, it seems that this video will turn out to be sh*tty.

It's 10pm now, and i am hot-headed. i just found out my ex turned into a slut. :| i have finally decided to postpone my accounting review tomorrow, 5hrs before the exam. I won't be hoping for high grades. But i'm hoping that I pass. I'll surely pass the course. No doubt about that. But i believe in MAGIS. :)) yes, i do. just not now. maybe tomorrow. hahaha.

Friday, September 10, 2010

The burning of Quran on 9/11/10

Yesterday while I was listening to RX 93.1 C&D's show, Delamar's news tackled Pastor Terry Jones's planning of burning of the Quran to commemorate the 9-year anniversary of the 9/11 tragedy in the US. Terry Jones, a Christian Pastor whose religion (Doveworld outreach center) promotes anti-muslim beliefs, had just gone mad when he decided to burn the Holy book of the Muslims to show abhorrence toward Islam.

that's a clip of some of Jones's interview. What aggravates me in just seeing his face is how poised he is and how he seems to think that he is deciding on a level-headed manner when in fact, i see no logic in his disposition. And as i quote him,
"Islam is of the evil. I think what we are doing with our action, we are revealing that actually Islam is more dangerous, much more violent than people would like to believe... We are putting all life at risk. We have received over one hundred death threats, some of them being graphic, some of them stating exactly when they will come, how they will kill us, what they will do. I mean, of course, but then again, does that not show and reveal the nature of islam? I think what we are doing is LONG OVERDUE. We are revealing again the violence of Islam that is much deeper than what we would like to admit."

Islam, has been one of the most (if not the most) condemned religion in the world. This prejudice worsened or probably just started when the 9/11 tragedy happened and the World Trade Center collapsed, killing many american citizens. Even here in the Philippines, almost every Mindanaoan Muslim is prejudiced by their mere clothes inside the mall and especially inside the airport because of the fear instilled in our minds by the terrorisms and kidnappings made by the Muslims. The Jihad or their belief in the Holy War is probably the root belief of some of the destructive actions of the Muslim. Being the most powerful nation in the world, the United States can easily instigate to other countries its mindset against the Islamic Religion.

But this extent of condemnation against their religion is a jab way below the belt. Not only is it a political irresponsibility, putting the lives of American soldiers in Muslim countries in dire risk, but it is also an ethical disgrace to the Christian faith. Has not Jesus taught us to LOVE OUR ENEMIES? We take this for granted, as if it seems to be of no importance in our context. But when the iceberg hits the ship below, what Jesus taught us starts to make so much sense.

In my opinion, what Terry Jones is doing cannot be a source of any solution to whatever problem he sees in his own mind. BURNING A QURAN to show disdain towards Muslims is not in any way a rational retribution to the Muslims. Such contemptuous action does not appease opposing beliefs. This religious battle has now turned into a rage between big nations just because of a despicable reasoning of a supposed Christian. I apologize for using such superlative abhorrent words against Terry Jones, but if he really wants any solution through his circus act, then what foresight does he see? And if it is just anathema that he wants to exhibit against muslims, then what right does he have in calling himself a Christian, a believer of Christ's Word?

watch this clip at 1:29 towards the end.

Terry Jones's church has 50 members. There are some religions who would think that they are the few chosen ones. But in these certain cases, maybe they are only 50 in number not because they are the chosen ones, but because luckily, there are only 50 of them who are victims of Jones's probable brainwashing. Sad to say, there have been several home videos made by some Americans in youtube, stating their approval of Jones's actions. Some people would even say that appeasing with the Muslims is just a foolish act and should not be supported.

Just what Delamar suggested in their radio show, let Terry Jones do this Quran burning in an Islamic country probably in Afghanistan or Iraq and not in his safe zone in his own state, and see if he would still have the balls to do his act. It just shows no logic in saying that burning the Quran would show how evil the Muslims' nature is. Does he not think that there are a lot of affected Muslims in the world who have nothing to do with his accusations? A Holy Bible is a Holy Bible. He is condemning a worldwide religion that, I am sure, he has not met ALL of its members.

Islam is of the Devil? I beg to disagree. No creature has the right to condemn all Muslims.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Poetry 101

I just want to share tonight one of the poems I like mainly because it's vocab-friendly without having to compromise the depth of its message. The poem is written by W.H. Auden who, according to my professor, is gay. So without any further ado...

Funeral Blues
W.H. Auden

Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone,
Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone,
Silence the pianos and with muffled drum
Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come.

Let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead
Scribbling on the sky the message He is Dead.
Put crepe bows round the white necks of the public doves,
Let the traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves.

He was my North, my South, my East and West,
My working week and my Sunday rest,
My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song;
I thought that love would last forever: I was wrong.

The stars are not wanted now; put out every one,
Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun,
Pour away the ocean and sweep up the woods;
For nothing now can ever come to any good.

What I like about the poem is how the persona is such a control freak. well to clear things up a little bit, the poem's about the death of the persona's loved one. And what he's doing is planning out the funeral for his loved one (who is also a guy because of the pronoun he).

The first stanza comes off as a person's attitude that wants to burst everyone's bubble just because his is. Misery loves company would probably best describe it. In the whole poem actually, he seems to demand from the whole world to mourn with him and to share with him his sorrow. Don't we all tend to act like this whenever our loved ones leave us? It's like we want the whole world to know how sad we are that if we could have it "scribbl[ed] on the sky," some of us would probably do that.

What's good about the poem is also the way the persona shows his love without using magniloquent speeches. He just had to say "He was my North, my South, my East and West,/My working week and my Sunday rest" and not the typical he was my universe and all that surrounds it blahblah to convey his pure and deep love for the dead man. It's simplicity while still managing to be romantic.

The last stanza is like a photoshoot and you're asking everyone to pack up everything and remove the set because everything's done already. "Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun, Pour away the ocean and sweep up the woods" isn't that so selfish? Seems like no one has the right to benefit from all these blessings because he said so. But it is very human. It's a usual human instinct whenever in extreme remorse.

So there. Just a short review of the poem. I like it because you don't need your dictionary to understand it. I am no english virtuoso and vocabulary is actually a weakness of mine. I speak the mathematical language more than I speak English. :D And what's best about the poem is that it does not try to be idealistic. the persona shows real human characteristics that he seems to not care about what other people feel because he wants all to sympathize with him. it does not try to rationalize his thoughts and try to be so ideal like "it's okay.. i am happy for other people and i hope they give me their support." Instead, it seems to be the type of person who would say in extreme cases "you, you don't deserve to be happy. gimme that fckin luxury you have. cry with me here. you don't deserve that."

The poem is something that all people can relate to because if not all, maybe most of us have already been in the same situation and have had the same thoughts and feelings as well.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Speling misshaps

And yes, that is intentional and I am very much aware of it. :P

Well, we Filipinos love having a daily dose of laughter, and wherever we go, we tweak anything that could make us laugh out of whatever we see. And luckily, humorous ads, billboards, and personal experiences are EVERYWHERE here in our country. There are sooooooo many photos circling around Facebook which are taken from our own country and are quite funny... ok. STUPID. Tag tag here and a tag tag there. Tag tag everywhere. It's mainly because we love infecting other people with whatever joy we experience. take this as an example of the photos in FB:

Filipinos speak English as often as they speak Tagalog/Filipino. Some even speak the former more often than they speak the latter; hence, the Taglish (Ateneans, you are guilty as charged for this crime). Some of us, especially those coming from the middle and upper classes and those who are educated (luckily), are grammar Nazis. They are people equipped with eloquence in english, and are hungry and in search for grammatical errors. There are moments that I thank God for creating these people who make such humorous mistakes and who unintentionally make many Filipinos happy. To Un-sugarcoat it, I am thankful that there are stupid people walking on this planet because they eradicate all the stress in me, and the pressure of being smart. =)) A*SHOLE statement. that's just me kidding aside, okay? But there are moments that it ain't funny anymore. Take this as another example:

Those underlines and circles were drawn by my blockmate, Monica Wong. And yes, she took THE English Merit course during her first year in college, and definitely a Grammar Nazi. That is the foundation of our friendship. (Mon, if ever you're reading this right now, please don't proofread it na. Enjoy mo na lang ha? :))) Going back to the picture, this is an actual news gotten from ABS-CBNNEWS.COM. abs-cbn news is one of the most watched/read news provider in our country, and to have these errors on their reports is such a shame. And look, instead of focusing on the weight of the news that they're trying to put across, some people (well, I) focus instead on the error made. They are humans too and they make mistakes, yes, but let's also take into consideration that they are professional writers and probably the best among all writers in the country.

But today, let's just focus on the brighter side of these mishaps and how they lighten up the mood of many people. As a person who always seeks out for such Spelling mishaps, I myself have taken photos of them that I see anywhere and everywhere.

Strike One.... and Two

One of my bestfriends is a lucky victim of this crime. His name is RAYMUND PAOLO B. ABAD. please take note of his name. :> My friend here is taking up Civil Engineering in one of the top universities in the Philippines, De La Salle University. And during his first year in DLSU, he applied for the scholar achiever thing that they have in their school. And this was the actual banner/ad that was made to promote the scholar achiever applicants:

I showed that picture to make sure that I get to brag his Weighted Average Grade... NOOOOT. well, in my opinion, my friend here has one of the best penmanships that I have ever seen in my life (so far). Given that he is an engineering student at a school that offers some of the best Engineering curricula in the country, he controls his penmanship quite perfectly. The dexterousness of his hands reflects his penmanship. THAT IS WHY I DON'T KNOW WHY IT SPELLS RAYMUNDO on the banner. He clearly wrote RAYMUND on his application form, but VOILA, it says RAYMUNDO on the banner. Well, i couldn't stop laughing when he showed this to me, but imagine being in his shoes. 

Buuuuut. This isn't the last pissing experience that he had in his school. I took a picture of his Membership card in the engineering organization that they have in DLSU. and look at THIS! \m/

=)))))))))))))))))))))) WOOT WOOT! Who names their son RAYOMUN? well, okay... I heard on the radio that an american couple named their daughter lady gaga. BUUUUT. ABAP. It is just sooooooo funny that when he showed this to me, his facial expression was priceless. =)) I can't blame his penmanship. Should I blame the school.....? ok, no more additional side comments. >:)

Anak, wag yan. Bad yan.

During vacations and some of my weekends, it has been a tradition in our family that we spend them in our rest house in Sta. Cruz, Laguna. Whenever I am there, one thing that I love doing is munching on random stuff I don't get to eat when here in Manila. So i check sari-sari stores there and buy all the junk food that I can hoard for myself. And this is one of the cardboards that one of the sari-sari stores has in front of their stall:

FIRST OF ALL, LOOK AT THE PRICE!!! AND SECOND OF ALL, IT'S BAD TO SELL AT THAT HIGH PRICE!!! (pun intended) yes, folks, your eyes fool you not. cotton BADS. I actually took this photo with my older phone n70 which I lost inside my room... 8-| but thanks to FRIENDSTER!!!!! I was able to find this photo of mine on my friendster profile. :)) see, friendster has its purpose STILL. =))

When I say jump you say how high! Chicken noodle soup, chicken noodle soup.

NSTP is the most fun subject. :) you know why? becaaaaaaaause I love tutoring kids! and on the plus side of it, i was able to find one of these spelling mishaps in our area. :D I know, i'm like a pirate searching for such priceless treasure everywhere I go. :> and this one I saw at a sari-sari store (another sari-sari store) in our Area.

Well first of all, the price of their goods is very cheap and affordable. applause applause! There's just one teeny little tiny itsy bitsy mistake there... noddles.... and..... JUMPONGwhat scares me in posting this photo is that.. The chinese community has been putting prejudices and acting discriminatingly towards us, and I don't want the Korean community to join forces with them. :\ but then again... 6 PESOS ONLY!!! :>:>:>


And to end my blog for today (yes, i still have an accounting long test to conquer), this photo is very interesting. Because you do not know what was going on inside the mind of whoever wrote it.

well, one rainy day while I just had finished my work out at gold's gym alabang, I went down the building (the gym 

is at the third floor) and waited for my driver on the roofed area of the building. There's only one staircase going up the gym. I 

was soooo tired that night because for one week, I had to postpone my work outs due to tons of long tests, 

midterm exams and papers, and my body had to adjust again to tiring physical activities. I have just been working 

out for 4 months. I'm still a newbie. Gold's gym trainors are really good. They make sure that........ hahaha. I'm 

just stalling time to build up the momentum and excitement before showing the picture. =)) WELL ANYWAY. 

since, the floor was really slippery due to the rain, there was this signboard on the floor:

Try to imagine someone, probably a janitor or a security guard, reading this message to warn you, with his panicking face on and from afar. Probably with matching whistle or a pointing finger towards you. CAUTION!!!!!! and the best part of it is the question mark at the end of WET FLOOR!!!!! ? Is he trying to ask us a very important question after the warning? Hmmmm...

Everytime I see this picture, I try to analyze what could probably be going on inside the mind of the management. I know the management ORDERED this because it says so..

Even management has its own exclamation point. ON BOTH SIDES! I could've slipped on the floor not because it's wet, but because this made me Roll On the Floor, Laughing. =)))))) This is a caution sign in a MAJOR MAJOR way. >:)))

Well, every story has its ending. and that's all for now, folks! I hope this made you laugh as well. I know deep inside, that one of these days, I will come across another great photo that will start another great story to be shared to my great readers. Ta-ta~ \m/

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Liking and Loving: Interpersonal Attraction

Last thursday, we discussed in our Psychology class the Rules of attraction. This topic is one of the catalysts in driving my urges into blogging. I wanted to share this discussion to everyone. My source would be from Psychology by Saundra K. Ciccarelli & J. Noland White. I know I talk a lot about love and attraction based on my own experiences, but it interests me that I now have a chance to discuss the topic based on science and based on previous LEGIT studies. Who knows? People might have been doubting me every time I speak of the very subjective and empathic topic. And pardon me for my excitement because this is the first time that I came across this "Rules of Attraction" thing.

What are the Rules of attraction anyway? The book summarized these rules into five general elements. Probably a lot of you might want to add to it, but the book states only five. :\

1.Physical attractiveness - i know, i know... IT HURTS. hahaha. whether we like it or not, physical attributes of a person really can be a basis of attraction. Remember, attraction is different from love, and as the book says, "physical beauty is one of the main factors that influence people's choices for selecting people they want to know better ALTHOUGH other factors may become more important in the later stages of relationship." So for those who feel that they have already failed to abide by the rules of attraction even just at the start of it, don't lose hope. :>
In the modern social context, physicality is given so much value that more often than not, everything revolves around beauty already, and we're all victims of this supposedly-just-an-aspect-turned-to-whole of a person's being. It becomes the basis of so many things. Societal pressure caused by the conventional standards of beauty presented to us by the media is inevitable Even job-related issues such as employee selection or job promotions (yes, height of managers is often considered in job promotions) are greatly influenced by physicality. Attraction cannot escape this pit as well. There is nothing bad about being physically attracted (and definitely nothing bad about being physically attractive). It just turns out to be quite evil when all you consider is looks.

2.Proximity (Close to you) - "refers to being physically near to someone else." who doesn't want this anyway? Being close to your liked one allows you more time with them, the feeling of safety and comfort, and of course... :> this is the reason why I applaud those couples who enter long distance relationships and can withstand the physical absence of their partner. As what the book says, the "it grew on me" phrase often refers to this. Having someone around you is one best enforcer for you to start getting attracted to a person.

3-4.Birds of a feather - Similarity/ When opposites attract - "People tend to like being around others who are similar to them in some way." Some of you may react that no, opposites actually attract. But when it comes to attitudes, beliefs and interests, it is the similarities that bind you closer. There are exceptions such as opposing attitudes that are complementary. It is when you see a trait of another person that you don't see in you, and it attracts you, but once you go deeper into knowing each other, it's the similarities that make it work out in the long run. "It is similarity, not complementarity, that draws people together and helps them stay together."

5.Reciprocity of Liking - this, for me, is the most essential part of getting attracted. It makes everything easier-- from the getting-to-know-each-other part up to having a formal commitment. Reciprocity allows interaction between two people. Whether through words or actions, reciprocity is like the fuel that can make a relationship function perpetually. Reciprocity can also be the source of intimacy for some. There are people who only start liking someone who likes them first. It may sound wrong to like a person just because he/she likes you. But who knows? 'This could be the start of something new." ;)

Now that we talked about the Rules of Attraction, how about talking about LURVE. :3 haha.According to the dictionary, love is a strong affection for another person due to kinship, personal ties, sexual attraction, admiration or common interests. but we all know that there's love towards your family, your friends, and the romantic love.
So to help us classify this types of love, Robert Sternberg created a theory based on three main components of love. And with these three components, one or a mixture of two or three of them pertains to one type of love.

Three components of love - Sternberg determined these three basic elements: intimacy, passion, and commitment.

Intimacy is the feeling of closeness to a person. When we say closeness, it is the psychological thought of being close to a person and not physical closeness. "Friends can have an intimate relationship when they enjoy the presence of the other person." It's a common knowledge that when you say you have an intimate relationship with someone, there's malice already. But i guess that shouldn't be the case.

Passion on the other hand is the physical aspect of love. And yes, you can insert malice here. :> it's the "emotional and sexual arousal" towards another person. This means that intimacy can be the main element towards passion, and romantic love is the combination of intimacy and passion. Well, you dont have sex with you friends or family members, don't you? :| It isn't just sex that's under passion; Hugs (there are exceptions), holding hands, and ogling can be a form of passion.

Commitment now here's where almost everyone nowadays are having difficulties with. But this is like the elastic band around the elements of love. This is where trust starts to be an essential part of love. And as the book tries to point out, "A short-term decision might be, 'i think i'm in love'" and the long-term would be "I want to be with this person for the rest of my life." Commitment for me draws the line between friendships and romantic relationships. Now I don't do 'friends with benefits,' but when you see later the triangle of love, you may actually classify friends with benefits under one of the kinds of love (sad to say, it is a type of love. :\)

Seeeeee! passion and intimacy without commitment is even called ROMANTIC LOVE!! well, holding hands with someone isn't that bad. it's just the sexual intercourse aspect of passion that makes me against it. and as much as i want to argue with this, i couldn't. :\ well, there goes the triangle of love. I guess you can explain each of those by yourselves already. Sad empty love. :( For me, the most vital part in defining each type is how you define the components. Remember that intimacy can be for friendships, so there's technically nothing bad at liking a friend, right? and since now you're aware of this triangle of love, instead of saying "you never loved me," you might want to say to your ex partner "you never loved me CONSUMMATELY." :P

Saturday, September 4, 2010

The return of my SLR

Just so that everybody knows, SLR stands for Single-Lens Reflex camera. :D and speaking of SLRs, i own one. It's the Nikon D60. And during the summer of 2010 around april-may, MY SLR BROKE. here's the story.

During the holy week, we decided to stay in our house in laguna and go jetskiing in Caliraya (for those who don't know where caliraya is, it's in lumban, laguna). Caliraya's a good spot for water sports. It's actually a man-made lake at the top of a mountain and it's a source of hydroelectric power and creepy water myths, too. While jetskiing and enjoying the sceneries of the place and taking pictures of the vicinity WHILE on the jetski, the ski's engine suddenly broke down. It was a disaster. I had to wait under the sun in the middle of the lake with my camera and my phone for a miracle to happen. and the stupid me forgot to apply sunblock on, which explains this.

After 30mins of waiting and desperately paddling my feet in the waters, expecting that it would actually help me reach land, two guys on a jetski came to my rescue. they tied a rope on my ski so they could pull it using theirs. BUT, when they turned right, my jetski didn't maneuver towards their direction. so they were pulling my jetski on its side. i was already shouting at them but didn't hear me. SO the end of the story, i fell off the ski because it toppled over. I was holding my slr, got wet but not soaked, and it hit the side of the ski. I was hoping it wasnt wrecked. But when i reached land already, man, the flash starts smoking when i took pictures.

This is the last picture i took before the debacle

and this is the distorted picture i took after the disaster (see how bad the lighting is :\)

My SLR was abandoned for almost 4 months. I didn't have it repaired mainly because I was too stubborn to go to CUBAO and have it fixed. That's one thing that sucks about Nikon. They have limited service centers unlike Canon.

And amazingly, i conquered my stubbornness. Just a week ago, i had it repaired already, and my SLR's usable once again! It cost me around 6K (3750 for the actual service repair, and about 2k for the missing parts). I actually missed taking random photos, so as my first victim/model, i took pictures of my ever beloved yaya!

I don't really know if it's me, or my camera has really not fully recovered from the bruises and injuries it got from the tragedy. i know i'm not a photographer, but i feel there's something wrong with it STILL especially with the focus. :\
OOOOR. It's really just my yaya's face that makes me think there's something wrong with the camera. :3 :))

So to those who have wrecked SLRs, please don't prolong the agony of your SLRs. They have feelings too you know. Have it immediately fixed (that's what the girl from the service center told me) to avoid further wreckage while inside your stock cabinet. And try investing on these cameras. they're worth the cash especially when you know that you can take snapshots of every good moment you have. ;)

Friday, September 3, 2010

All aboard!

At last! after all the contemplations, meditations, masturbations and whatnot, I have finally decided to create my own blogspot! I know, I know. Now's a bad time to make a blogspot, considering especially the demanding school works which, of course, i have to allot most of my time to. But I've been wanting an indoor hobby that would constantly work my brain cells out, a type of work out that could be a scapegoat from all the repetitive tasks in school. And since I'm a slow handwrite-er, typing would probably be the best tool for me. Plus, I've been reading a lot of complaints [some plain sarcasm, and some major displeasure] concerning how wordy my posts in FB are. actually, those are already concise versions of my thoughts. 8-| So to avoid any issues, i had to come up with another outlet. and voila, this is my first BLOG ever! what exactly do i plan to write on this page?

(just had to try how to put pictures on my posts :D)

I've been thinking of just specific topics that I will blog about, but on second thought, probably it's more escapist from the reality hell a.k.a. school to just put into writing all my usual random thoughts [not talking is a sin for me, y'know]. so to anyone who will follow my blog, expect the worst blog ever. >:)) that's all for now. [yay. i finally have a blog!]

P.S. please be a little nice in critiquing my writing skills. i'm just new to this blogging thing. :D thanks!