Friday, February 4, 2011

Temporary Shutdown

School has been so laborious that I'm finding it hard to keep up with my blog. The stress never ends, schoolwork after schoolwork. I've been keeping records of my thoughts in my phone for future blogging ideas. I just want to make sure that my brain farts are still retrievable in case I'm in the mood to write on my cyber journal. But for the remaining school days, I foresee stagnation of my blog.

Although stressful, school has never been this philosophical. I often get orgasms from mental masturbations. My subjects have been so informative with these brain-wrecking ideologies that clash with each other. Makes you want to tag all your professors along with you and let them explain to each other those intersecting, overlapping (and most often radical) ideas they've been teaching us.

I love going to school. I love learning and knowing there is more to learn.
But I want to rest sleep and eat without any worries. HAKUNA MATATA: i hope this philosophy still exists. :\

And if ever I push through with my plans of going for the Junior Term Abroad, it won't get any better for me for the next 14-15 months. Iisipin ko na lang... Ham yan. :\

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