Well, tomorrow is my 3rd and still not the last long test in accounting. It was a long weekend, committed myself to studying, but the usual ending... I DID NOT STUDY (and yes, i decided to instead make a blog). Also, today was the much awaited UAAP cheerdance competition. I am already turning to a frustrated dancer because I've always given up dance for my studies. And I guess it would take me more than 2 years to realize its worth.. or maybe 2 more years to realize i made the wrong decision. SEE HOW FRUSTRATED I AM??? :(( one of the biggest reasons why i've been acting like this is
ACCOUNTING. just seeing this word makes me stupefied as if stunned by Harry Potter's spell. Accounting really isn't that hard.... NOT. well, yes. It's not as hard as what they say. What makes it hard is the time it demands for to understand each concept thrown at you in such a short time. who thought three months could last like FOREVER? I've always told them to make accounting a 6-unit course. Why? So that 6 hours a week could be allotted for it. And yes, I'd be more willing to spend 6 school hours for accounting than SPENDING ALL NIGHT TRYING TO FIGURE OUT SOME OF THE CONCEPTS ON YOUR OWN. And needless to say, Accounting + all the other subjects = Mushy brain.
I've already thought of having a tutor for this subject. But i'm proud to say that i've survived the first 2 exams without the help of any tutor and with flying colors... okay the latter statement is a hoax. :| but yes, having a tutor is like the "in" thing right now especially with accounting. Having a tutor is like taking up a 3-course unit of accounting in ateneo, and taking another 3-course of acc outside admu. :\ accounting is fascinating, yes?
I am one of the lucky ones because my acc10 prof IS THE BEST. and yes, i mean THE BEST prof. maybe not as fierce and feisty as Dr. Venus Ibarra, but there are some profs who are smart as is, but could not teach their knowledge to other people. And luckily, my professor really teaches WELLLLL.
Accounting is really a pain in the a*s. It consumes you slowly and will really put you on the verge of throwing your very thick book because of too much information. It's more of the PATIENCE that is challenged than the knowledge capacity. AMDG ika nga.. Ang Matulog, Di Gagraduate.
statistics is a fun subject for me. It's algebra and a bit of calculus mixed with PURE ANALYSIS in the number world. Buuuuuut. The final paper is such a big luggage that we've been carrying since the first days of classes. AND IT'S A GROUP PAPER. It's really really hard to get everyone on their feet and work WITHOUT HAVING TO BE TOLD SO. But I guess everyone's extra busy so we really can't focus on it. :\ Leadership & Strategy, on the other hand, is a 2-unit course that acts like it's a 3-unit course. well reality check LS, you're not. What's good about my LS subject is our very adorable teacher. He looks like the sweet grandpa of every child in the world. HE LOOKS LIKE SANTA CLAUS! :)) plus, my groupmates are very hardworking. No need to be given the go signal. they'll grab the workload as long as they can. :)
ECONOMICS. no comment.... okay, I have. :)) it's not really a work-loaded subject. But I dont know if I'm learning from the subject and from my Prof. I've had my most humiliating moment in our Eco102 class ever since i entered college. My prof was rollcalling for the attendance, and i am in the Dreamland with the unicorns and the butterflies and accounting (yes, it follows me up to my sleep). He had called my name 3 times before my seatmates finally woke me up! EFF YOU SEATMATES. wharra friends. and when i finally woke up, almost the whole class of 80 students was looking at me and my prof went "SANTIAGO. SLEEPING." what can i do? i went right back to sleep after it. :))
SCI10!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yes, it is a frustrating subject. first of all, i've taken up ES10 during 1st year, and this is like an encore of ES10. and daeyumn. I am really really attached to the environment, but this subject's making me fed up with Environmental awareness! PLUSSSSSSSSS. my professor has been giving us DIFFICULT EXAMS. Long coverages, multiple choices with 5 choices, modified true or false, and those questions that make you wrong just because you answer TRUE when the book says "good alternative" and the word on the T or F says "perfect alternative." I guess it's demanding us to memorize the book by heart.... :\
PSYCHOLOGY now this subject is the most fun subject this sem. Good prof, good subject, and a stress reliever after Eco102 class. Now don't think Psy101's an easy course. It will bombard you with scientific terms and literally, it's a subject of INFORMATION OVERLOAD. but the papers required in the course are mostly self-reflections. You will enjoy writing your self-profiles, personality tests and dream analyses. Maybe what makes it really fun is that you get to know yourself better and the block. Because of this, I actually thought of having psych as another major. but yknow, i'm just dreaming. Another heavy baggage is the Video that we have to pass at the end of the semester. It may seem enjoyable and easy, but along with the other requirements, it seems that this video will turn out to be sh*tty.
It's 10pm now, and i am hot-headed. i just found out my ex turned into a slut. :| i have finally decided to postpone my accounting review tomorrow, 5hrs before the exam. I won't be hoping for high grades. But i'm hoping that I pass. I'll surely pass the course. No doubt about that. But i believe in MAGIS. :)) yes, i do. just not now. maybe tomorrow. hahaha.
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